SENsible24 - The SENCO Conference

SENsible24 was such an amazing experience, a conference designed just for SENCOs encompassing everyone in one place, seasoned professionals, exhibitors and of course SENCOs.  It was so well received we’ve dedicated this whole page of our website to it.  So, take a look at the pictures, watch our review and the timelapsed video.  We do have some more to add, but we’ll update this page a little later on once we have the time and resources to implement it.  Ohh, yes, that’s a little cryptic but we like it like that!

Good news is because of the success and feedback we have had, SENsible25 will be taking place next year! 

SENsible24 YouTube Review!

SENsible24 Photo Gallery

SENsible 25

Tickets now available

SENsible25 (14th Feb 2025) will be another “all in the room” inclusive educational conference designed just for SENCOs.  Our topic this year is identification and assessment.  There are only 150 tickets, so be quick to get yours!

Look out for a Limited special offer including the Thursday night and something a little different.

Friday tickets £55 including all food and parking.

Click Here

Thank you to our Speakers and Exhibitors for helping make this happen!

Gavin Hawkins

Gavin Hawkins

Multitalented Technical Wizard?

Abigail Hawkins

Abigail Hawkins

The SENsible SENCO

Paul Lowther

Paul Lowther

Head, SENCO, Inspector

Julie Cassiano

Julie Cassiano


Alison Steele

Alison Steele


Yin Colighan

Yin Colighan

Speech Therapist at Speech and Language Link

Angharad Welch

Angharad Welch

Speech Therapist at Find the Key SLT

Thomas Emmett

Thomas Emmett

Lawyer - BirkettLong

Lorraine Petersen

Lorraine Petersen

SEN Consultant

Dr Susie Nyman

Dr Susie Nyman

Multisensory Guru

Dale Pickles

Dale Pickles

Host of SENDcast - MD at B Squared



Connections in Mind CiC

Connections in Mind CiC

Play Included

Play Included

Five Minute Box

Five Minute Box

Hamish and Milo

Hamish and Milo

Hodder Education

Hodder Education

I Want a Standing Desk

I Want a Standing Desk





Speech and Language Link

Speech and Language Link





Provision Map

Provision Map

B Squared

B Squared

Community Playthings

Community Playthings