What is PIVATS?

Lancashire County Council has developed the widely acclaimed assessment tool PIVATS (Performance Indicators for Valued Assessment and Targeted Learning) as part of its commitment to ensuring all young people receive an education of the highest quality, appropriate to their needs and irrespective of any special needs, disabilities, social or other contextual factors.

Although P Scales are now no longer used for statutory assessment, having been replaced by the Pre-Key Stage Standards and the Engagement Model, PIVATS remains a highly regarded, effective in-school assessment tool that is used throughout the world, and is available in two formats:


Assesses small steps of progress in Listening & Understanding, Number, Reading, Shape, Space & Measure, Talking & Communication,  Using & Applying and Writing, from PIVATS P-Scale milestones 1-8, up to PIVATS milestone 4 (which is approximately in line with Year 4 age related expectations)

PIVATS PSED (Personal, Social and Emotional Development) 

Aims to narrow the gaps in social and emotional development that are present in some children, in order to help them to be ‘ready for leaning and life’. The PSED format is similar to PIVATS 5th Edition but some of the milestones go up to PIVATS milestone 6 (the approximate equivalent of Y6) as this is used more widely in secondary schools.

PIVATS Milestones & Indicators:

The full sets of the PIVATS milestones are available in both electronic (PDF) and hard copy folder formats. To place an order please complete the relevant order form accessible via the active links below:

Additionally, with a view to keeping costs to a minimum, individual PIVATS 5 milestones can now be purchased both electronically (PDF) and in hard copy booklet formats in the following areas:

  • Language & Communication (including “Listening & Understanding” and “Talking & Communication”)
  • Maths (including “Number”, “Shape, Space & Measure” and “Using & Applying”)
  • Reading
  • Writing


Image showing the PIVATS 5 Milestones that can be ordered

PIVATS 5 Extension Packs:

Providing electronic (PDF) milestones, which contain a series of hyperlinks embedded, to link to associated resources assisting teachers, learning mentors and support staff to use assessment to enhance teaching and learning.

Currently the extension packs are available as listed below and can be ordered by completing the forms accessible via this link

  • Number (P6 to Milestone 2)
  • Reading

In addition to the existing extension packs, the following new additions are currently under construction and will be released for purchase in the near future. Should you wish to be notified when they are available please complete relevant forms accessible via the links provided below:

Image showing the PIVATS 5 Milestones that can be ordered

Unlock the Full Potential of PIVATS 5 – Start Your Core Training Now!

Enhance your school’s ability to track and support students working below age-related expectations in key subjects like English and Mathematics. Join our PIVATS 5 Core Training for expert guidance on using this essential framework.

PIVATS Webinars:

Designed and recorded to be run as staff meetings or INSET sessions the following training webinars are now available to order:

  • An Introduction to PIVATS 5
  • An Introduction to PIVATS PSED

These videos will be accompanied by training packs to supplement the sessions, which it is recommended should be led by SENDCOs or a member of the Senior Leadership Team (SLT). To place an order please complete the form accessible via this link.


About the training sessions

PIVATS training videos are available directly through the SENsible SENCO website. For £60, you can sign up and gain access to the video for a 2-month period. These training sessions are supplied by PIVATS, providing guidance on how to best utilize the product. All pricing and content are determined by our partners; SENsible SENCO acts solely as a facilitator for accessing the training.

Master Personal, Social, and Emotional Development with PIVATS 5 PSED Training!

Equip your team with the tools to assess and support students’ social and emotional progress. Access the PIVATS 5 PSED training and improve outcomes for children with complex emotional needs.

PIVATS On-line Analysis:

In addition to providing the assessment structure, PIVATS 5 On-line Analysis enables schools to enter and store PIVATS assessments electronically, track progress, set targets and generate pupil, group and school level reports.

PIVATS quarterly reports

Constantly seeking to add to our range of products we launched the PIVATS PSED Toolkit in March 2020 which provides a time saving, flexible resource to work alongside the PSED milestones. Containing a large number of information cards and editable resources, the Toolkit assists teachers, learning mentors and support staff to use assessment to enhance teaching and learning. 

PIVATS Packages:

 With reduced budgets in the current financial climate, we are now offering multiple PIVATS resources at discounted prices as part of the following packages outlined below:

PIVATS 5 Package

Find out More.

This contains:

  • PIVATS 5 milestones in electronic (PDF) and hard copy folder format
  • PIVATS 5 “Number P6 to Milestone 2” and “Reading” Extension Packs
  • “An Introduction to PIVATS 5” Webinar


Find Out More.

This contains

  • PIVATS PSED milestones in electronic (PDF) and hard copy folder format;
  • PIVATS PSED Toolkit
  • “An Introduction to PIVATS PSED” Webinar

PIVATS Comprehensive Package

Find out More.

This contains

  • PIVATS 5 & PSED milestones in electronic (PDF) and hard copy folder format;
  • PIVATS 5 “Number P6 to Milestone 2” and “Reading” Extension Packs
  • “An Introduction to PIVATS 5” Webinar
  • “An Introduction to PIVATS PSED” Webinar
  • PIVATS PSED Toolkit


Find out More.

The PIVATS PSED Toolkit has been designed as a flexible resource to complement the four areas of PSED. The key purpose is to provide time saving support materials for teachers, TAs and SENCOs, to supplement the assessment process of personal social and emotional development and assist in the planning for and resourcing of subsequent learning and PSED support. The resources are editable and can be personalised to meet individual pupil needs.

The Toolkit, which is available to schools to be downloaded electronically, will hyperlink to the PSED milestones, as applicable,

Guidance & Support:

 For guidance and support a range of PIVATS samples and short videos are available to view via the links provided on the PIVATS website accessible via https://www.lancashire.gov.uk/lpds/teaching-and-learning/pivats/. You can also contact the PIVATS team on (01772) 531555 or via [email protected].

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