Learn how to effectively manage consultations during the summer break by adhering to statutory obligations under the Children and Families Act 2014. Discover tips on planning, delegation, and ensuring compliance with EHC plan timelines even when schools are closed.
Ensuring Compliance with Data Retention and GDPR for SEN Records
Handling sensitive information about students with special educational needs securely and in accordance with GDPR is crucial. Learn the best practices for data retention, secure storage, and legal compliance to protect student privacy.
Compounding Positive Outcomes: Effective Incremental Wins in SEN Provision
Explore how incremental improvements can lead to compounding outcomes in SEN provision. Discover effective strategic planning techniques for SENCOs to enhance educational strategies and achieve remarkable success. Start making small changes today to see significant results over time.
The Future of SEN & SENCOs with Abigail Hawkins
Abigail Hawkins delves into the future of Special Educational Needs (SEN), discussing systemic changes, challenges with current practices, and the impact of policy shifts. Gain insights into improving SEN systems and supporting inclusive education.
Aligning for Success: The SENCO as a Strategic Planner
Explore strategic planning through the eyes of a SENCO. Learn how tools like the SENCO Planner and project management software can transform your educational leadership and resource management. Start your strategic journey today!
Harnessing Executive Function to Boost Classroom Performance for ADHD Students
This article presents key strategies to bolster executive function in ADHD students, aiding them in overcoming challenges with organization, planning, and task management for classroom success.
The Pounds and Pence of SEN Funding: Where Does It All Go?
Explore the intricacies of Special Educational Needs (SEN) funding in the UK, including categories like High Needs Funding, Notional Budget, EHCP Pot, Early Years SEN Funding, and SEND Transport Costs. Unlock the mystery of where these resources go and their importance in supporting children with special educational needs.
An In-Depth Look at Special Educational Needs Funding in UK Schools
Gain insights into Special Educational Needs (SEN) funding, including its components like Notional SEN Budget, High Needs Funding, and the SEN Code of Practice. Understand the role of the SENCO in optimizing SEN funding for student support.
Hosting Drop-In Sessions: Why and How?
Explore the importance of hosting regular SEND drop-in sessions, fostering open communication, building trust, and engaging parents, pupils, and staff in the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) process. Learn how to plan and execute these sessions effectively and address challenges that may arise.
The Role of SENCO in Reading/Spelling Age Updates
Explore the vital role of SENCOs in updating reading and spelling ages for SEN students. Learn how this data serves as a diagnostic tool, influences interventions, and informs curriculum planning. Discover the importance of collaboration and technology in the process.
Planning Support Timetables and Interventions
Dive into the art and science of planning and reviewing support provisions for SEND students. Learn how to grasp student needs, set clear objectives, create flexible timetables, and engage stakeholders like parents and support staff. Navigate the seas of interventions with precision and care.
Coordinating With Support Specialists
Explore the importance of coordinating with support specialists in the realm of Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). Discover who these specialists are, their key roles, and why regular engagement with them is vital for tailoring interventions, skill transfer, holistic understanding, and efficient scheduling.
Understanding Your SEND Budget
Explore the world of SEND budgets and discover their importance in supporting students with special educational needs and disabilities. Learn about funding sources, factors determining budget allocation, and the significance of periodic discussions for effective budget management.
Collaboration – Problem-Solving for SENCOs and Teachers
Discover the benefits of SENCOs teachers collaboration for improving outcomes for students with special educational needs, and get practical tips and strategies for building effective partnerships and problem-solving.
Effective Communication Strategies for SENCOs and Parents
Learn about different communication strategies and techniques for building positive relationships between SENCOs and parents, including active listening, empathy, and collaborative problem-solving
SENCO or ALNCO: What is the Difference? Is it Just a Name?
Confused about SENCO and ALNCO? Read this article to learn about the differences and similarities between these roles in education.
Data Management for SENCOs: Strategies for Efficient and Effective Data Use
As a Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO), managing data is a critical aspect of your job. This article will provide you with practical strategies and tips for efficient and effective data use, helping you stay on top of your responsibilities while enhancing outcomes for your students.
Assistive Technology for SEN Students: How SENCOs Can Support Technology Use
Learn about different types of assistive technology that SENCOs can use to support students with special educational needs, and get practical tips and strategies for implementing technology effectively.
Behaviour Interventions for SENCOs: Managing Behaviours
Learn about different behaviour interventions that SENCOs can use to manage challenging behaviours in the classroom, including positive behaviour support and functional behaviour assessments
SENCO and Teacher Partnerships: Collaborating for Success
This article explores the benefits of Special Educational Needs Coordinators (SENCOs) and teacher partnerships, effective strategies for collaboration, and examples of successful partnerships in action. By working together, SENCOs and teachers can create a more inclusive and supportive learning environment for all students, including those with additional needs.
SENCO and Parent Partnerships: Building Effective Relationships
Discover the importance of building effective partnerships between SENCOs and parents, and get practical tips and strategies for fostering positive relationships.